Que sais-je? Was weiss ich?
Dieser Satz des französichen Philosophen Michel de Montaigne wird in meiner Reflexion mit dem Kurzgedicht „eine Fahne für Öesterreich“ des österreichischen Lyrikers Ernst Jandl verbunden. Jandl gelang es in dieser Miniatur verbal die Fahne (und mehr) Öesterreichs treffgenau darzustellen.
Nives Widauer stellt den Satz: was weiss ich? ins Zentrum.
Staaten, Nationen, Nationalitäten, Nationalismus: es gibt keine pauschalen Antworten mehr in diesen komplexen Systemen die wir geschaffen haben. Es ist wichtig, jede Frage zu stellen und es wird Millionen kleiner, individueller Lösungen brauchen um zu neuen Formen des Zusammenlebens zu finden, ganz nach dem Motto: „Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es“.

“EuroArt at the MuseumsQuartier”: ORF and MQ launch art project for the Eurovision Song Contest
As part of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC), 40 pieces of the internationally famous MQ courtyard furniture will be decorated by 40 Austrian artists, with one piece of furniture dedicated to each ESC participating country. A presentation of the artworks will take place on 15 May at 10:00 in the Main MQ Courtyard, before they are auctioned off for charity on 27 May. As part of the “MQ Summer Opening” on 7 May, the public will have the opportunity to watch the artists at work on site.
40 countries, 40 artworks: The artists drew lots to find out which country would be the theme of their design for the latest generation of MQ furniture, the “Viena” model (following “Enzi” and “Enzo”). This joint action by the ORF and MQ is being curated by the Leopold Museum, Kunsthalle Wien and mumok, who were responsible for selecting the artists. The project is also supported by Österreich Werbung and ÖBB Rail Tours.
Participating artists include Hannes Mlenek, Johannes Deutsch, Tex Rubinowitz, Liesl Raff, the artist duo “kozek hörlonski/Thomas Hörl, Peter Kozek” Kamen Stoyanov, Resanita (Anita Fuchs & Resa Pernthaller) and Lukas Troberg. The MQ furniture for ESC participant “Austria” will be decorated by the Vienna-based Swiss artist Nives Widauer.
“The MQ is a place of exchange where people from all over the world, and from all different branches of art, come together. It is great to see how many of these facets are united in the project ‘EuroArt at the MQ’ – and that the MQ furniture serves here as a common symbol”, enthuses Christian Strasser, Director of the MuseumsQuartier Wien, about the project.
Edgar Böhm, Executive Producer of the Eurovision Song Contest: “It is great to see how our slogan ‘Building Bridges’ is being applied here, in that a connection is being made between music and fine art. I am already looking forward to seeing the results and seeing what the artists’ thoughts are on the 40 participating countries.”
As part of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC), 40 pieces of the internationally famous MQ courtyard furniture will be decorated by 40 Austrian artists, with one piece of furniture dedicated to each ESC participating country. A presentation of the artworks will take place on 15 May at 10:00 in the Main MQ Courtyard, before they are auctioned off for charity on 27 May. As part of the “MQ Summer Opening” on 7 May, the public will have the opportunity to watch the artists at work on site.
40 countries, 40 artworks: The artists drew lots to find out which country would be the theme of their design for the latest generation of MQ furniture, the “Viena” model (following “Enzi” and “Enzo”). This joint action by the ORF and MQ is being curated by the Leopold Museum, Kunsthalle Wien and mumok, who were responsible for selecting the artists. The project is also supported by Österreich Werbung and ÖBB Rail Tours.
Participating artists include Hannes Mlenek, Johannes Deutsch, Tex Rubinowitz, Liesl Raff, the artist duo “kozek hörlonski/Thomas Hörl, Peter Kozek” Kamen Stoyanov, Resanita (Anita Fuchs & Resa Pernthaller) and Lukas Troberg. The MQ furniture for ESC participant “Austria” will be decorated by the Vienna-based Swiss artist Nives Widauer.
“The MQ is a place of exchange where people from all over the world, and from all different branches of art, come together. It is great to see how many of these facets are united in the project ‘EuroArt at the MQ’ – and that the MQ furniture serves here as a common symbol”, enthuses Christian Strasser, Director of the MuseumsQuartier Wien, about the project.
Edgar Böhm, Executive Producer of the Eurovision Song Contest: “It is great to see how our slogan ‘Building Bridges’ is being applied here, in that a connection is being made between music and fine art. I am already looking forward to seeing the results and seeing what the artists’ thoughts are on the 40 participating countries.”